Monday, July 12, 2010

Celebrity Style #2 - Zachary Quinto

When it comes to the 31-year-old Pittsburgh native, less is always more. As the skull-splitting Sylar on Heroes, Quinto induces terror with a single stare and on the red carpet he sports narrow suits and skinny ties. I would go as far as saying that Zachary Quinto brought the hyper-virilized look back. His stuffy yet manicured eyebrows and sexy stubble prove that you don't have to give up your perceived masculinity in order to look great!
Describe your look growing up.
I was basically sporting a Spock do back then -- it looked like I had a bowl haircut. I remember wearing braided belts, khaki pants and suede bucks. Very J. Crew. I went to a private Catholic school and wore a tie every day. I like to think my taste is more refined now.

What's your style today?
It's pretty laid-back but metropolitan. I always try to do something a little different, while being straightforward and definitive. I wore a navy blue Jil Sander tux with black lapels to the Golden Globes. And I like Alexander McQueen, who brings a sense of adventure to clothes. It's understated but tangible.

Did you ever have any fashion obsessions?
I used to love Miami Vice. I went through a serious phase where I walked around dressed like Don Johnson: linen pants with an oversize blazer and no shirt. But I was, like, 10.

Zachary Quinto and fellow Star Trek hottie Chris Pine in a candid photo-shoot
What's the biggest splurge you've made?
I don't splurge. I guess buying a house would qualify. But my lifestyle remains the same now as it was a few years ago -- in terms of where I go, what I do, who I do it with. I still buy clothes in the same places. I love to travel, so after the first season of Heroes I spent a month in Europe. But I was traveling on trains, carrying my backpack.
You seem to know who you are -- what's something you'd never wear?
I can't stand pleated pants. They're not sleek or streamlined. I like order and simplicity. Pleats are, like, why?
Do you have a favorite scent?
I use China Musk oil. And I've worn patchouli since high school. I know it smells like dirty hippies. But it's like cilantro -- either you love it or you don't.
                                                                                                             MSN Lifestyle Interview

Fun fact: Zachary is the only person in history to appear on the cover of Entertainment Weekly two weeks in a row!

No feature about Zachary Quinto could be complete without this hot clip from So NoTORIous.

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