I know I haven't posted in a while but my laptop has taken a break and coupled with finals season my time has been stretched thin.
Today has been a great day and I have had a lot of warm fuzzyness come my way thanks to two websites I love very very much.
The first one is Givesmehope.com which in a format that is very similar to FML brings out quite the opposite, those little things that give people hope and inspire us all.
The second one is a personal favourite and source of strength and inspiration in less pleasant times. What was once just an idea of Blue Devils United, Duke's Student LGBTQQA group, has materialized itself in BlueDevilsUnited.com a thriving blog about what it is like being LGBTQ at a big American University.
I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I am and if you do like them please comment below. I often wonder if anybody actually reads this blog!
Thank you and Happy Holidays to all!!!